ESP32-S3 / ESP32 Boards

Arduino IDE Setup

madflight for ESP32-S3/ESP32 requires Arduino-ESP32 v3.x.x

madflight v1.1.2 and earlier requires Arduino-ESP32 v2.x.x

Start the Arduino IDE and select menu Tools->Board Manager to install this software.

PlatformIO Setup

Clone or download the madflight repository from GitHub.

Start PlatformIO, press the "Import Arduino Project" button, and import a madflight example.

Adapt the platformio.ini file as follows:

; PlatformIO Project Configuration File for madflight

; Set this to the folder where madflight.h is located
; Default locations when installed via the Arduino IDE:
;    Windows: C:\Users\{username}\Documents\Arduino\libraries\madflight
;    macOS:   /Users/{username}/Documents/Arduino/libraries/madflight
;    Linux:   /home/{username}/Arduino/libraries/madflight


platform = espressif32
board = esp32dev
framework = arduino

Pinout ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1

This is the default pinout for ESP32-S3. It is optimized for the Espressif ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 (44 pin) board. This pinout is defined in madflight_board_default_ESP32-S3.h, but can be modified with #define HW_PIN_XXX in your program.

NOTE: Many clones of this board exist, which use various ESP32-S3-VROOM modules and/or have different on-board hardware (LED, RGB LED, SDCARD, etc.) Set Arduino IDE Board settings and HW_PIN_XXX defines accordingly.

Note: Pin numbers refer to the GPIO numbers, not to the physical pin number on a board.

Function GPIO Board GPIO Function
3V3 out 3V3 Antenna G GND
3V3 out 3V3 43 TX serial debug UART port
reset button RST 44 RX serial debug UART port
PWM1 4 1 -
PWM2 5 2 LED (not on all boards)
PWM3 6 42 -
PWM4 7 41 -
RCIN_RX 18 37 PSRAM (on boards with Octal PSRAM)
I2C_SDA 8 36 PSRAM (on boards with Octal PSRAM)
GPS_RX 3 35 PSRAM (on boards with Octal PSRAM)
GPS_TX 46 0 boot button
I2C_SCL 9 45 -
SPI_MOSI 11 47 -
SPI_MISO 12 21 -
SPI_SCLK 13 20 USB_D+ (serial debug alternate)
IMU_EXTI 14 19 USB_D- (serial debug alternate)
5V in (*) 5V G GND
GND G USB connectors G GND

(*) 5V input via diode from BEC. Without a diode take care not connect USB and the battery at the same time!

Setup ESP32-S3 in the Arduino IDE

In the Aduino IDE select board: "ESP32S3 Dev Module" and set the following options in the Tools menu:

  • Flash Mode: see table below
  • Flash Size: see x in table below
  • PSRAM: see table below
ESP32-S3 module Flash Mode PSRAM Notes
ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-Nx QIO 80MHz -
ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-Hx QIO 80MHz - High temperature version
ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-NxR8 QIO 80MHz QSPI PSRAM pins IO35, IO36, and IO37 are connected to the Octal SPI PSRAM and are not available
for other uses.
ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-NxR16V QIO 80MHz OPI PSRAM 1.8V SPI, pins IO35, IO36, and IO37 are connected to the Octal SPI PSRAM and are not available
for other uses.
ESP32-S3-WROOM-2-NxR8V OPI 80MHz OPI PSRAM 120MHz SPI, 1.8V SPI, pins IO35, IO36, and IO37 are connected to the Octal SPI PSRAM and are not available
for other uses.

Setup Serial Port

Settings for 3 serial ports (Serial, Serial1 and Serial2), Serial connected to "USB-UART", Serial0 not connected (gives error 'Serial0' was not declared).

  • USB CDC On Boot: Disabled

Settings for 4 serial ports (Serial, Serial0, Serial1 and Serial2), Serial connected to "USB-OTG", Serial0 connected to "USB-UART"

  • USB CDC On Boot: Enabled
  • USB DFU On Boot: Disabled
  • USB Mode: USB-OTG (TinyUSB)

Setup Programming Interface

Settings for programming via "USB-UART" usb port (programming works without pressing boot/reset buttons)

  • Upload Mode: UART0 / Hardware CDC

Settings for programming via "USB-OTG" usb port (For programming: press boot, press+release reset, release boot, then upload; For serial monitor: press+release reset, then open serial monitor)

  • Upload Mode: USB-OTG CDC (TinyUSB)

Pinout ESP32 DevKitC

This is the default pinout for ESP32. It is optimized for the Espressiv ESP32 DevKitC (38 pin) board. This pinout is defined in madflight_board_default_ESP32.h, but can be modified with #define HW_PIN_XXX in your program.

Many clones of this board exist, which might have different ESP32 modules and/or different on-board hardware (LED, RGB LED, SDCARD, etc.) Set Arduino IDE Board settings and HW_PIN_XXX defines accordingly.

Function GPIO Board GPIO Function
3V3 out 3V3 Antenna side GND GND
reset button EN 23 I2C_SDA
SPI_MISO VP 36 input only 22 I2C_SCL
IMU_EXTI VN 39 input only 1 TX USB Serial Debug TX
BAT_V 34 input only 3 RX USB Serial Debug RX
RCIN_RX 35 input only 21 SPI_MOSI
PWM2 25 18 IMU_CS
PWM3 26 strap 5 GPS_TX
PWM4 27 17 GPS_RX
PWM5 14 16 PWM11
PWM6 12 4 PWM10
GND GND boot 0 PWM9
PWM7 13 strap 2 LED
nc D2 9 flash strap 15 PWM8
nc D3 10 flash flash 8 D1 nc
nc CMD 11 flash flash 7 D0 nc
5V input (*) 5V USB connector flash 6 CLK nc

(*) 5V input via diode from BEC. Without a diode take care not connect USB and the battery at the same time!

Note: During boot the input voltage levels (pull up/pull down) on strap pins have a configuration function, therefor these pins are used as output only.

ESP32 has 6 strapping pins: - GPIO0: internal pull-up (boot button) - GPIO2: internal pull-down - GPIO4: internal pull-down - GPIO5: internal pull-up - GPIO12: internal pull-down - GPIO15: internal pull-up

ESP32-S3/ESP32 Hardware

ESP32-S3 and ESP32 are very similar chips. The ESP32-S3 is more recent: it has more pins, USB-OTG (3 UARTs plus 1 USB-OTG CDC UART), improved single block RAM structure. The ESP32 is better if you need a lot of PWM channels, it has 16 PWM (LEDC) outputs, versus 8 on ESP32-S3.

Dual Core / FPU

ESP32 and ESP32-S3 both have dual core CPU, but single core FPU. ESP-IDF implementation limits float usage to a single core, and float can not be used in interrupts. FreeRTOS is always enabled and a watchdog limits interrupt execution time.

madflight uses float and is therefor limited to single core operation. The IMU loop runs as a high priorty task, triggered by the IMU interrupt.


FreeRTOS is enabled by default.


Arduino-ESP32 v2.0.17 has an I2C bug which causes the bus to hang for 1 second after a failed read, which can happen a couple times per minute. This makes Wire I2C for IMU not a real option...

A workaround is to use #define USE_ESP32_SOFTWIRE which enables software I2C, but this does not work well with all sensors.

(!) So, until a better I2C solution is available: use an SPI IMU sensor on ESP32.

NOTE: as of June 2024 this bug is apparently fixed, but not yet confirmed with madflight.