STM32 Boards
Arduino IDE Setup
madflight for STM32 requires:
STM32duino Arduino Core for STM32 v2.x.x Start the Arduino IDE and select menu Tools->Board Manager to install this software.
STM32duino FreeRTOS Select menu Tools->Manage Libaries, then search for "STM32duino FreeRTOS".
PlatformIO Setup
Clone or download the madflight repository from GitHub.
Start PlatformIO, press the "Import Arduino Project" button, and import a madflight example.
Adapt the platformio.ini file as follows:
; PlatformIO Project Configuration File for madflight
; Set this to the folder where madflight.h is located
; Default locations when installed via the Arduino IDE:
; Windows: C:\Users\{username}\Documents\Arduino\libraries\madflight
; macOS: /Users/{username}/Documents/Arduino/libraries/madflight
; Linux: /home/{username}/Arduino/libraries/madflight
Pinout STM32 Commercial Flight Controllers
In the src
directory you'll find 400+ Betaflight configuration files for commercial flight controllers. Include the madflight_board_betaflight_XXX.h header file of your board, and in your program set '#define HW_USE_XXX' to match your board.
The Betaflight configuration files are manually generated by a Python script in the 'extras' folder. If your favorite board is missing, run the script to add it.
Pinout STM32F411 Black Pill
This is the default pinout for STM32. It is optimized for the WeAct STM32F411 Black Pill (40 pin) board. This pinout is defined in madflight_board_default_STM32.h, but can be modified with #define HW_PIN_XXX
in your program.
Function | GPIO | Board | GPIO | Function |
nc | VB | SWD pins | 3V3 | 3V3 out |
LED | C13 | G | GND | |
- | C14 | 5V | 5V input (*) | |
- | C15 | B9 | PWM10(t4) | |
nc | R | B8 | PWM9(t4) | |
- | A0 | B7 | I2C_SCL | |
- | A1 | B6 | I2C_SDA | |
GPS_TX | A2 | B5 | PWM8(t3) | |
GPS_RX | A3 | B4 | PWM7(t3) | |
IMU_CS | A4 | B3 | RCIN_RX | |
SPI_SCLK | A5 | A15 | RCIN_TX | |
SPI_MISO | A6 | A12 | USB_DP | |
SPI_MOSI | A7 | A11 | USB_DN | |
BAT_I | B0 | A10 | PWM6(t1) | |
BAT_V | B1 | A9 | PWM5(t1) | |
- | B2 | A8 | PWM4(t1) | |
IMU_EXTI | B10 | B15 | PWM3(t1) | |
3V3 out | 3V3 | B14 | PWM2(t1) | |
GND | G | B13 | PWM1(t1) | |
5V input (*) | 5V | USB connector | B12 | - |
Internally connected: C13 - LED, A0 - key button
PWM1-6 are connected to timer1, PWM7-8 to timer3 and PWM9-10 to timer4. PWM pins connected to the same timer operate at the same frequency.
(*) 5V input via diode from BEC. Without a diode take care not connect USB and the battery at the same time!
STM32 Hardware
The STM32 MCU family is a huge collection of chips. Madflight will run on most stm32duino supported F4, F7, H7 and similar chips, preferred are STM32H743 and STM32F405.
Dual Core / FPU
Most supported STM32 targets have a single core MCU with FPU.
FreeRTOS is required for madflight v1.3 and later.
madflight for STM32
madflight for STM32 runs the IMU loop by default in interrupt context.