(Attitude and Heading Reference System)
The following gyro/accelerometer/magnetometer sensor fusion filters are implemented in madflight:
The filter has two parameters: KP (proportional filter gain) and KI (integral filter gain) which form a PI controller. Orientation calculated from integrating gyro measurements, and is adjusted with the acc/mag measurements by the PI controller. The KI parameter acts as a gyro bias estimator.
The Mahony filter provides accurate and stable estimates even under vibration and magnetic disturbances. No wonder that it is used in many flight controller firmwares.
madflight offers the standard filter implementation AHRS_USE_MAHONY plus a Betaflight (AHRS_USE_MAHONY_BF) flavored filter version, which only uses accelerometer data in rest.
This filter is controlled by a single parameter: beta, the algorithm gain.
The new kid on the block, see here. This is a more complex filter, with more parameters and longer computation times, but should give more accurate estimations.
Implementation in madflight is experimental.
Runtime is 600 us on ESP32 for full gyro/acc/mag update. AHRS_USE_MAHONY runtime is 120 us, and AHRS_USE_MADGWICK 160 us.
Overview of AHRS used in Flight Controllers
Mahony Filter
- separate mag heading, acc, cog error updates
- mag weight increases with mag heading error
- acc update only if acc in range 0.9g - 1.1g
- Kp = 0.25 when armed, 2.5 first 20 sec, 25 after crash disarm
- optional integration term
Mahony Filter
- separate mag heading, acc, cog error updates
- centrifugal force compensation
- gyro bias estimate
- optional integration term
EKF (Extended Kalman Filter) and/or
Mahony Filter
- separate mag heading, acc, Vision heading, and Mocap heading error updates
- mag weight increases up to 10x with spinRate
- acc update only if acc in range 0.9g - 1.1g
- gyro bias estimated when spinRate < 0.175 (10dps)
- no integration term
EKF (Extended Kalman Filter) or DCM (Direction Cosine Matrix)
Betaflight Source Code
q - Quaternion
rMat - Rotation matrix
// g[xyz] - low pass filtered gyro reading, in rad/s
// a[xyz] - low pass filtered accelerometer reading, direction only, normalized internally
// headingErrMag - heading error (in earth frame) derived from magnetometter, rad/s around Z axis (* dcmKpGain)
// headingErrCog - heading error (in earth frame) derived from CourseOverGround, rad/s around Z axis (* dcmKpGain)
// dcmKpGain - gain applied to all error sources
void imuMahonyAHRSupdate(float dt,
float gx, float gy, float gz,
float ax, float ay, float az,
float headingErrMag, float headingErrCog,
const float dcmKpGain)
// integral error terms scaled by Ki
static float integralFBx = 0.0f, integralFBy = 0.0f, integralFBz = 0.0f;
float ex = 0, ey = 0, ez = 0;
// Add error from magnetometer and Cog, just rotate input value to body frame
ex += rMat[Z][X] * (headingErrCog + headingErrMag);
ey += rMat[Z][Y] * (headingErrCog + headingErrMag);
ez += rMat[Z][Z] * (headingErrCog + headingErrMag);
// Use measured acceleration vector, Accept accel readings only in range 0.9g - 1.1g
float recipAccNorm = sq(ax) + sq(ay) + sq(az);
if ((0.81f < recipAccNorm) && (recipAccNorm < 1.21f)) {
recipAccNorm = invSqrt(recipAccNorm);
ax *= recipAccNorm;
ay *= recipAccNorm;
az *= recipAccNorm;
// Error is sum of cross product between estimated direction and measured direction of gravity
ex += (ay * rMat[2][2] - az * rMat[2][1]);
ey += (az * rMat[2][0] - ax * rMat[2][2]);
ez += (ax * rMat[2][1] - ay * rMat[2][0]);
// Compute and apply integral feedback if enabled
if (imuRuntimeConfig.imuDcmKi > 0.0f) {
// Calculate general spin rate (rad/s)
const float spin_rate = sqrtf(sq(gx) + sq(gy) + sq(gz));
// Stop integrating if spinning beyond the certain limit
const float dcmKiGain = imuRuntimeConfig.imuDcmKi;
integralFBx += dcmKiGain * ex * dt; // integral error scaled by Ki
integralFBy += dcmKiGain * ey * dt;
integralFBz += dcmKiGain * ez * dt;
} else {
integralFBx = 0.0f; // prevent integral windup
integralFBy = 0.0f;
integralFBz = 0.0f;
// Apply proportional and integral feedback
gx += dcmKpGain * ex + integralFBx;
gy += dcmKpGain * ey + integralFBy;
gz += dcmKpGain * ez + integralFBz;
// Integrate rate of change of quaternion
gx *= (0.5f * dt);
gy *= (0.5f * dt);
gz *= (0.5f * dt);
quaternion buffer;
buffer.w = q.w;
buffer.x = q.x;
buffer.y = q.y;
buffer.z = q.z;
q.w += (-buffer.x * gx - buffer.y * gy - buffer.z * gz);
q.x += (+buffer.w * gx + buffer.y * gz - buffer.z * gy);
q.y += (+buffer.w * gy - buffer.x * gz + buffer.z * gx);
q.z += (+buffer.w * gz + buffer.x * gy - buffer.y * gx);
// Normalise quaternion
float recipNorm = invSqrt(sq(q.w) + sq(q.x) + sq(q.y) + sq(q.z));
q.w *= recipNorm;
q.x *= recipNorm;
q.y *= recipNorm;
q.z *= recipNorm;
// Pre-compute rotation matrix from quaternion, used by imuCalcMagErr()
rMat = imuComputeRotationMatrix(q);
// Calculate heading error derived from magnetometer
// return value rotation around earth Z axis, pointing in direction of smaller error, [rad/s]
float imuCalcMagErr(void)
// Use measured magnetic field vector
fpVector3_t mag_bf = {{mag.magADC[X], mag.magADC[Y], mag.magADC[Z]}};
float magNormSquared = vectorNormSquared(&mag_bf);
if (magNormSquared > 0.01f) {
// project magnetometer reading into Earth frame
fpVector3_t mag_ef;
matrixVectorMul(&mag_ef, (const fpMat33_t*)&rMat, &mag_bf); // BF->EF true north
// Normalise magnetometer measurement
vectorScale(&mag_ef, &mag_ef, 1.0f / sqrtf(magNormSquared));
// For magnetometer correction we make an assumption that magnetic field is perpendicular to gravity (ignore Z-component in EF).
// This way magnetic field will only affect heading and wont mess roll/pitch angles
fpVector2_t mag2d_ef = {.x = mag_ef.x, .y = mag_ef.y};
// mag2d_ef - measured mag field vector in EF (2D ground plane projection)
// north_ef - reference mag field vector heading due North in EF (2D ground plane projection).
// Adjusted for magnetic declination (in imuConfigure)
// magnetometer error is cross product between estimated magnetic north and measured magnetic north (calculated in EF)
// increase gain on large misalignment
const float dot = vector2Dot(&mag2d_ef, &north_ef);
const float cross = vector2Cross(&mag2d_ef, &north_ef);
return (dot > 0) ? cross : (cross < 0 ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * vector2Norm(&mag2d_ef);
} else {
// invalid magnetometer data
return 0.0f;
// *** GoC based error estimate ***
float cogErr = 0;
#if defined(USE_GPS)
if (!useMag
&& sensors(SENSOR_GPS)
&& STATE(GPS_FIX) && gpsSol.numSat > GPS_MIN_SAT_COUNT) {
static bool gpsHeadingInitialized = false; // TODO - remove
if (gpsHeadingInitialized) {
float groundspeedGain; // IMU yaw gain to be applied in imuMahonyAHRSupdate from ground course,
// GPS_Rescue adjusts groundspeedGain during a rescue in a range 0 - 4.5,
// depending on GPS Rescue state and groundspeed relative to speed to home.
groundspeedGain = gpsRescueGetImuYawCogGain();
} else {
// 0.0 - 10.0, heuristic based on GPS speed and stick state
groundspeedGain = imuCalcGroundspeedGain(dt);
DEBUG_SET(DEBUG_ATTITUDE, 2, lrintf(groundspeedGain * 100.0f));
float courseOverGround = DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(gpsSol.groundCourse);
cogErr = imuCalcCourseErr(courseOverGround) * groundspeedGain;
} else if (gpsSol.groundSpeed > GPS_COG_MIN_GROUNDSPEED) {
// Reset the reference and reinitialize quaternion factors when GPS groundspeed > GPS_COG_MIN_GROUNDSPEED
imuComputeQuaternionFromRPY(&qP, attitude.values.roll, attitude.values.pitch, gpsSol.groundCourse);
gpsHeadingInitialized = true;
INAV Source Code
static void imuMahonyAHRSupdate(float dt, const fpVector3_t * gyroBF, const fpVector3_t * accBF, const fpVector3_t * magBF, bool useCOG, float courseOverGround, float accWScaler, float magWScaler)
STATIC_FASTRAM fpVector3_t vGyroDriftEstimate = { 0 };
fpQuaternion_t prevOrientation = orientation;
fpVector3_t vRotation = *gyroBF;
/* Calculate general spin rate (rad/s) */
const float spin_rate_sq = vectorNormSquared(&vRotation);
/* Step 1: Yaw correction */
// Use measured magnetic field vector
if (magBF || useCOG) {
float wMag = 1.0f;
float wCoG = 1.0f;
if(magBF){wCoG *= imuConfig()->gps_yaw_weight / 100.0f;}
fpVector3_t vMagErr = { .v = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
fpVector3_t vCoGErr = { .v = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
if (magBF && vectorNormSquared(magBF) > 0.01f) {
wMag *= bellCurve((fast_fsqrtf(vectorNormSquared(magBF)) - 1024.0f) / 1024.0f, MAX_MAG_NEARNESS);
fpVector3_t vMag;
// For magnetometer correction we make an assumption that magnetic field is perpendicular to gravity (ignore Z-component in EF).
// This way magnetic field will only affect heading and wont mess roll/pitch angles
// (hx; hy; 0) - measured mag field vector in EF (assuming Z-component is zero)
// This should yield direction to magnetic North (1; 0; 0)
quaternionRotateVectorInv(&vMag, magBF, &orientation); // BF -> EF
// Ignore magnetic inclination
vMag.z = 0.0f;
// We zeroed out vMag.z - make sure the whole vector didn't go to zero
if (vectorNormSquared(&vMag) > 0.01f) {
// Normalize to unit vector
vectorNormalize(&vMag, &vMag);
// Reference mag field vector heading is Magnetic North in EF. We compute that by rotating True North vector by declination and assuming Z-component is zero
// magnetometer error is cross product between estimated magnetic north and measured magnetic north (calculated in EF)
vectorCrossProduct(&vMagErr, &vMag, &vCorrectedMagNorth);
// Rotate error back into body frame
quaternionRotateVector(&vMagErr, &vMagErr, &orientation);
if (useCOG) {
fpVector3_t vForward = { .v = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
//vForward as trust vector
if (STATE(MULTIROTOR) && (!isMixerTransitionMixing)){
vForward.z = 1.0f;
vForward.x = 1.0f;
fpVector3_t vHeadingEF;
// Use raw heading error (from GPS or whatever else)
while (courseOverGround > M_PIf) courseOverGround -= (2.0f * M_PIf);
while (courseOverGround < -M_PIf) courseOverGround += (2.0f * M_PIf);
// William Premerlani and Paul Bizard, Direction Cosine Matrix IMU - Eqn. 22-23
// (Rxx; Ryx) - measured (estimated) heading vector (EF)
// (-cos(COG), sin(COG)) - reference heading vector (EF)
float airSpeed = gpsSol.groundSpeed;
// Compute heading vector in EF from scalar CoG,x axis of accelerometer is pointing backwards.
fpVector3_t vCoG = { .v = { -cos_approx(courseOverGround), sin_approx(courseOverGround), 0.0f } };
// remove wind elements in vCoG for better heading estimation
if (isEstimatedWindSpeedValid() && imuConfig()->gps_yaw_windcomp)
vectorScale(&vCoG, &vCoG, gpsSol.groundSpeed);
vCoG.x += getEstimatedWindSpeed(X);
vCoG.y -= getEstimatedWindSpeed(Y);
airSpeed = fast_fsqrtf(vectorNormSquared(&vCoG));
vectorNormalize(&vCoG, &vCoG);
wCoG *= scaleRangef(constrainf((airSpeed+gpsSol.groundSpeed)/2, 400, 1000), 400, 1000, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// Rotate Forward vector from BF to EF - will yield Heading vector in Earth frame
quaternionRotateVectorInv(&vHeadingEF, &vForward, &orientation);
//when multicopter`s orientation or speed is changing rapidly. less weight on gps heading
wCoG *= imuCalculateMcCogWeight();
//scale accroading to multirotor`s tilt angle
wCoG *= scaleRangef(constrainf(vHeadingEF.z, COS20DEG, COS10DEG), COS20DEG, COS10DEG, 1.0f, 0.0f);
//for inverted flying, wCoG is lowered by imuCalculateMcCogWeight no additional processing needed
vHeadingEF.z = 0.0f;
// We zeroed out vHeadingEF.z - make sure the whole vector didn't go to zero
if (vectorNormSquared(&vHeadingEF) > 0.01f) {
// Normalize to unit vector
vectorNormalize(&vHeadingEF, &vHeadingEF);
// error is cross product between reference heading and estimated heading (calculated in EF)
vectorCrossProduct(&vCoGErr, &vCoG, &vHeadingEF);
// Rotate error back into body frame
quaternionRotateVector(&vCoGErr, &vCoGErr, &orientation);
fpVector3_t vErr = { .v = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
vectorScale(&vMagErr, &vMagErr, wMag);
vectorScale(&vCoGErr, &vCoGErr, wCoG);
vectorAdd(&vErr, &vMagErr, &vCoGErr);
// Compute and apply integral feedback if enabled
if (imuRuntimeConfig.dcm_ki_mag > 0.0f) {
// Stop integrating if spinning beyond the certain limit
if (spin_rate_sq < sq(DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(SPIN_RATE_LIMIT))) {
fpVector3_t vTmp;
// integral error scaled by Ki
vectorScale(&vTmp, &vErr, imuRuntimeConfig.dcm_ki_mag * magWScaler * dt);
vectorAdd(&vGyroDriftEstimate, &vGyroDriftEstimate, &vTmp);
// Calculate kP gain and apply proportional feedback
vectorScale(&vErr, &vErr, imuRuntimeConfig.dcm_kp_mag * magWScaler);
vectorAdd(&vRotation, &vRotation, &vErr);
/* Step 2: Roll and pitch correction - use measured acceleration vector */
if (accBF) {
static const fpVector3_t vGravity = { .v = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f } };
fpVector3_t vEstGravity, vAcc, vErr;
// Calculate estimated gravity vector in body frame
quaternionRotateVector(&vEstGravity, &vGravity, &orientation); // EF -> BF
// Error is sum of cross product between estimated direction and measured direction of gravity
vectorNormalize(&vAcc, accBF);
vectorCrossProduct(&vErr, &vAcc, &vEstGravity);
// Compute and apply integral feedback if enabled
if (imuRuntimeConfig.dcm_ki_acc > 0.0f) {
// Stop integrating if spinning beyond the certain limit
if (spin_rate_sq < sq(DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(SPIN_RATE_LIMIT))) {
fpVector3_t vTmp;
// integral error scaled by Ki
vectorScale(&vTmp, &vErr, imuRuntimeConfig.dcm_ki_acc * accWScaler * dt);
vectorAdd(&vGyroDriftEstimate, &vGyroDriftEstimate, &vTmp);
// Calculate kP gain and apply proportional feedback
vectorScale(&vErr, &vErr, imuRuntimeConfig.dcm_kp_acc * accWScaler);
vectorAdd(&vRotation, &vRotation, &vErr);
// Anti wind-up
float i_limit = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(2.0f) * (imuRuntimeConfig.dcm_kp_acc + imuRuntimeConfig.dcm_kp_mag) / 2.0f;
vGyroDriftEstimate.x = constrainf(vGyroDriftEstimate.x, -i_limit, i_limit);
vGyroDriftEstimate.y = constrainf(vGyroDriftEstimate.y, -i_limit, i_limit);
vGyroDriftEstimate.z = constrainf(vGyroDriftEstimate.z, -i_limit, i_limit);
// Apply gyro drift correction
vectorAdd(&vRotation, &vRotation, &vGyroDriftEstimate);
// Integrate rate of change of quaternion
fpVector3_t vTheta;
fpQuaternion_t deltaQ;
vectorScale(&vTheta, &vRotation, 0.5f * dt);
quaternionInitFromVector(&deltaQ, &vTheta);
const float thetaMagnitudeSq = vectorNormSquared(&vTheta);
// If calculated rotation is zero - don't update quaternion
if (thetaMagnitudeSq >= 1e-20f) {
// Calculate quaternion delta:
// Theta is a axis/angle rotation. Direction of a vector is axis, magnitude is angle/2.
// Proper quaternion from axis/angle involves computing sin/cos, but the formula becomes numerically unstable as Theta approaches zero.
// For near-zero cases we use the first 3 terms of the Taylor series expansion for sin/cos. We check if fourth term is less than machine precision -
// then we can safely use the "low angle" approximated version without loss of accuracy.
if (thetaMagnitudeSq < fast_fsqrtf(24.0f * 1e-6f)) {
quaternionScale(&deltaQ, &deltaQ, 1.0f - thetaMagnitudeSq / 6.0f);
deltaQ.q0 = 1.0f - thetaMagnitudeSq / 2.0f;
else {
const float thetaMagnitude = fast_fsqrtf(thetaMagnitudeSq);
quaternionScale(&deltaQ, &deltaQ, sin_approx(thetaMagnitude) / thetaMagnitude);
deltaQ.q0 = cos_approx(thetaMagnitude);
// Calculate final orientation and renormalize
quaternionMultiply(&orientation, &orientation, &deltaQ);
quaternionNormalize(&orientation, &orientation);
// Check for invalid quaternion and reset to previous known good one
imuCheckAndResetOrientationQuaternion(&prevOrientation, accBF);
// Pre-compute rotation matrix from quaternion
static void imuCalculateEstimatedAttitude(float dT)
#if defined(USE_MAG)
const bool canUseMAG = sensors(SENSOR_MAG) && compassIsHealthy();
const bool canUseMAG = false;
float courseOverGround = 0;
bool useMag = false;
bool useCOG = false;
#if defined(USE_GPS)
bool canUseCOG = isGPSHeadingValid();
// Use compass (if available)
if (canUseMAG) {
useMag = true;
gpsHeadingInitialized = true; // GPS heading initialised from MAG, continue on GPS if compass fails
// Use GPS (if available)
if (canUseCOG) {
if (gpsHeadingInitialized) {
courseOverGround = DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(gpsSol.groundCourse);
useCOG = true;
else if (!canUseMAG) {
// Re-initialize quaternion from known Roll, Pitch and GPS heading
imuComputeQuaternionFromRPY(attitude.values.roll, attitude.values.pitch, gpsSol.groundCourse);
gpsHeadingInitialized = true;
// Force reset of heading hold target
} else if (!ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) {
gpsHeadingInitialized = false;
// centrifugal force compensation
static fpVector3_t vEstcentrifugalAccelBF_velned;
static fpVector3_t vEstcentrifugalAccelBF_turnrate;
float acc_ignore_slope_multipiler = 1.0f; // when using gps centrifugal_force_compensation, AccelerometerWeightRateIgnore slope will be multiplied by this value
if (isGPSTrustworthy())
imuCalculateGPSacceleration(&vEstcentrifugalAccelBF_velned, &acc_ignore_slope_multipiler);
imuCalculateTurnRateacceleration(&vEstcentrifugalAccelBF_turnrate, dT, &acc_ignore_slope_multipiler);
if (imuConfig()->inertia_comp_method == COMPMETHOD_ADAPTIVE && isGPSTrustworthy() && STATE(AIRPLANE))
//pick the best centrifugal acceleration between velned and turnrate
fpVector3_t compansatedGravityBF_velned;
vectorAdd(&compansatedGravityBF_velned, &imuMeasuredAccelBF, &vEstcentrifugalAccelBF_velned);
float velned_error = fabsf(fast_fsqrtf(vectorNormSquared(&compansatedGravityBF_velned)) - GRAVITY_CMSS);
fpVector3_t compansatedGravityBF_turnrate;
vectorAdd(&compansatedGravityBF_turnrate, &imuMeasuredAccelBF, &vEstcentrifugalAccelBF_turnrate);
float turnrate_error = fabsf(fast_fsqrtf(vectorNormSquared(&compansatedGravityBF_turnrate)) - GRAVITY_CMSS);
compansatedGravityBF = velned_error > turnrate_error? compansatedGravityBF_turnrate:compansatedGravityBF_velned;
else if (((imuConfig()->inertia_comp_method == COMPMETHOD_VELNED) || (imuConfig()->inertia_comp_method == COMPMETHOD_ADAPTIVE)) && isGPSTrustworthy())
//velned centrifugal force compensation, quad will use this method
vectorAdd(&compansatedGravityBF, &imuMeasuredAccelBF, &vEstcentrifugalAccelBF_velned);
//turnrate centrifugal force compensation
vectorAdd(&compansatedGravityBF, &imuMeasuredAccelBF, &vEstcentrifugalAccelBF_turnrate);
compansatedGravityBF = imuMeasuredAccelBF;
// In absence of GPS MAG is the only option
if (canUseMAG) {
useMag = true;
compansatedGravityBF = imuMeasuredAccelBF
float accWeight = imuGetPGainScaleFactor() * imuCalculateAccelerometerWeightNearness(&compansatedGravityBF);
accWeight = accWeight * imuCalculateAccelerometerWeightRateIgnore(acc_ignore_slope_multipiler);
const bool useAcc = (accWeight > 0.001f);
const float magWeight = imuGetPGainScaleFactor() * 1.0f;
fpVector3_t measuredMagBF = {.v = {mag.magADC[X], mag.magADC[Y], mag.magADC[Z]}};
imuMahonyAHRSupdate(dT, &imuMeasuredRotationBF,
useAcc ? &compansatedGravityBF : NULL,
useMag ? &measuredMagBF : NULL,
useCOG, courseOverGround,
PX4-Autopilot Source Code
weights: w_acc=0.2, w_mag=0.1, w_ext_hdg=0.1, w_gyro_bias=0.1
max gyro bias: _bias_max=0.05 (3dps)
bool AttitudeEstimatorQ::update(float dt)
Quatf q_last = _q;
// Angular rate of correction
Vector3f corr;
float spinRate = _gyro.length();
if (_param_att_ext_hdg_m.get() > 0 && _ext_hdg_good) {
if (_param_att_ext_hdg_m.get() == 1) {
// Vision heading correction
// Project heading to global frame and extract XY component
Vector3f vision_hdg_earth = _q.rotateVector(_vision_hdg);
float vision_hdg_err = wrap_pi(atan2f(vision_hdg_earth(1), vision_hdg_earth(0)));
// Project correction to body frame
corr += _q.rotateVectorInverse(Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, -vision_hdg_err)) * w_ext;
if (_param_att_ext_hdg_m.get() == 2) {
// Mocap heading correction
// Project heading to global frame and extract XY component
Vector3f mocap_hdg_earth = _q.rotateVector(_mocap_hdg);
float mocap_hdg_err = wrap_pi(atan2f(mocap_hdg_earth(1), mocap_hdg_earth(0)));
// Project correction to body frame
corr += _q.rotateVectorInverse(Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, -mocap_hdg_err)) * w_ext_hdg;
if (_param_att_ext_hdg_m.get() == 0 || !_ext_hdg_good) {
// Magnetometer correction
// Project mag field vector to global frame and extract XY component
Vector3f mag_earth = _q.rotateVector(_mag);
float mag_err = wrap_pi(atan2f(mag_earth(1), mag_earth(0)) - _mag_decl);
float gainMult = 1.0f;
const float fifty_dps = 0.873f;
if (spinRate > fifty_dps) {
gainMult = math::min(spinRate / fifty_dps, 10.0f);
// Project magnetometer correction to body frame
corr += _q.rotateVectorInverse(Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, -mag_err)) * w_mag * gainMult;
// Accelerometer correction
// Project 'k' unit vector of earth frame to body frame
// Vector3f k = _q.rotateVectorInverse(Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
// Optimized version with dropped zeros
Vector3f k(
2.0f * (_q(1) * _q(3) - _q(0) * _q(2)),
2.0f * (_q(2) * _q(3) + _q(0) * _q(1)),
(_q(0) * _q(0) - _q(1) * _q(1) - _q(2) * _q(2) + _q(3) * _q(3))
// If we are not using acceleration compensation based on GPS velocity,
// fuse accel data only if its norm is close to 1 g (reduces drift).
const float accel_norm_sq = _accel.norm_squared();
if (accel_norm_sq > 0.9 && accel_norm_sq < 1.1) {
corr += (k % (_accel - _pos_acc).normalized()) * w_acc;
// Gyro bias estimation
if (spinRate < 0.175f) {
_gyro_bias += corr * (w_gyro_bias * dt);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
_gyro_bias(i) = math::constrain(_gyro_bias(i), -_bias_max, _bias_max);
// Calculate unbiased gyro rates
_rates = _gyro + _gyro_bias;
// Feed forward gyro
corr += _rates;
// Apply correction to state
_q += _q.derivative1(corr) * dt;
// Normalize quaternion
return true;